Many factors can lead to diminished sexual arousal, one of major depression. Unfortunately, like a vicious circle, antidepressant drugs also have side effects decrease libido.

All antidepressants can have sexual side effects. First, antidepressants can reduce the interest and desire to have sex. In men, antidepressants often cause erectile dysfunction, while the women antidepressants make vaginal dryness and decreased sensation in the genitals. At the end of antidepressants can cause difficulty or inability to reach orgasm in both men and women.

Reports indicate that between 30 to 70 percent of people who take antidepressants experience sexual dysfunction. The mechanism behind sexual dysfunction caused by antidepressants is not fully understood, but is expected to be related to lower levels of serotonin, dopamine, and other neurotransmitters in the brain.

The severity of the sexual side effects of antidepressants depends on the individual and the type of antidepressants are consumed. Wellbutrin, Remeron and Desyrel said to be the lightest in the cause sexual side effects, SSRI and SNRI while generally most severe.

Approximately one-third of patients taking SSRIs reported experiencing sexual dysfunction. While the use of TCAs and MAOIs are indicated moderate sexual dysfunction.

Sexual harassment generally occurs as a result of initial antidepressant treatment. Low libido is the most common sexual disorder and occurs in more than 75 percent of depressed patients are three-quarters of patients with depression.

Here is how to manage the sexual side effects of antidepressants in general, such as:

- Decrease dose
Antidepressant dose reduction is possible for patients to restore their sexual function. Only your doctor can determine the dose adjustment so you need to consult.

- Waiting
A study found that sexual harassment caused by antidepressants increased in the first six months of treatment. After that, the possibility of side effects will decrease.

- Adding another drug
Sexual dysfunction drugs like Viagra can also be taken to offset the side effects of antidepressants.

- Changing drug
Switching to antidepressant side effects such as Wellbutrin lighter might help.

- Therapy
Therapy such as psychotherapy or sex therapy may be useful to improve sexual function.

If you are one of the 7.5 million people with psoriasis, it is likely that chronic itch may arise in your life. That certainly would interfere with daily activities.

Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease that is caused by chronic autoimmune disease. People with skin disorders such as psoriasis has rough scales stacked with thick red base. Skin disorder occurs due to the formation of skin too quickly.

According to dermatologist in Upland, California and spokesperson of the National Psoriasis Foundation, itching caused by psoriasis causes the skin to become red, swollen, and hot, to remove the fluid. These conditions lead to a serious condition, such as infection by a reduced quality of life.

Here are nine tips to reduce skin itching, nothing you can do yourself and some which require the help of medical experts.

1. Avoid perfumes and other smelly products

Household products such as cleaners, detergents, fabric softeners are pungent smell may worsen skin itch.

2. Bathing in quick time with cold water

Warm water can remove the top layer of the skin and the skin's natural moisture thus aggravate itchy skin.

3. Use a mild soap

To keep the skin from irritants so avoid products with the effect of "hard". Can also use a special soap sensitive skin products.

4. Use the medication for a shower

Certain bath salts add moisture to the skin. Use of these products, but do not soak too long.

5. Do not scratch the skin dry

In addition to creating irritation, itching scratching will increase.

6. Use a moisturizer as often as possible

Choose a moisturizer with a high moisture content and spend a few minutes after a shower to keep skin moist.

7. Try antihistamines

Antihistamines work by targeting the neural pathways associated with itching.

8. Use ice

Ice can "turn off" the nerve. Ice can be a quick, easy, and inexpensive way to relieve itching.

9. Wear psoriasis cream before bed

Itching during sleep will be very annoying, so do preparations, such as wearing a cream and wear cotton clothes.

A study of 2,000 women showed that women start worrying about wrinkles, slack breasts, arms sagged, and wrinkles in the eye, when they reach the age of 30. Therefore, dermatologists recommend that women should begin to fight aging before reaching the age of 30.

"It is estimated by the age of 28, will reduce fibroblast collagen production, which affects the elasticity of the skin. Then that the condition began to decline," said Lee Garrett, beauty nurse in Harley Street clinic FreedomhealthSKIN, recently.

Garret said, every year she loses one percent of collagen. "But if you smoke, drink alcohol, or eat too much sugar, the signs of aging will appear more quickly before the age of 28," he said.

The average woman does not find their first wrinkles at the age of 29 years, and at that age they will begin to fight the signs of aging by using creams and make-up.

"Some women may always worry about their appearance, but it was amazing when we think of those who are in most excellent condition at the age of 29, have started worrying about the effects of aging on the body and face," said Andrew Groom, Buying Director at Superdrug, which carried out a study along with the new anti-aging skin care products.

"It's never too early to treat skin ... and skin care routine that starts at the age of 29, will be effective against the signs of aging," he added, as quoted by Yahoo! Lifestyle.

The study also revealed that women over the age of 29 want to look younger. More than two-thirds (67 percent) under the age of 29, using make-up to look older. While more than half (58 percent) will use the clothes that make them older than actual age.

Calcium is a mineral that has a very important role in the body. Once the importance of calcium so if it is not consumed in sufficient dosage, the body functions could be disrupted.

In addition to its main function to build and maintain strong bones and teeth, calcium is also useful to help regulate heartbeat, muscle growth, helps the transmission of impulses, as well as maintaining the absorption of nutrients into the bones and teeth,adult calcium requirement at least 1,000 milligrams per day. Needs kaslium increased in pregnant and lactating women and the elderly, which is equal to 1,200 mg / day.

Calcium in milk is one of the best nutrients for bone health as calcium more easily absorbed by the body. For maximum results, milk should be consumed in the evening,during the night of osteoclasts or cells of bone destruction does not work.
At night we are also not a lot of activity so that optimal calcium absorption milk.

Bone is living tissue that grows when active so young and has the ability to improve the event of damage or broken. This repair process occurs on bone surfaces simultaneously. This particular bone cells called osteoclasts that mereabsorsi bones of old, then osteoblasts will replace it with a new one.

After menopause, still absorbing osteoclasts destroying bone mineral and collagen. However, osteoblasts become slow work due to lack of estrogen. That's why women in menopause prone to suffer from osteoporosis,vitamin D and calcium should be satisfied since a young age because of bone density reaches its peak at the age of 30 years.

"Bone density decreased with age. At the age of 30 years the rate of bone destruction is greater than the rate of bone loss,"
There are some nutrients that get more attention because often people do not eat enough in the daily diet, such as vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and fiber. But have you found out about magnesium?

Magnesium is a mineral that is essential for energy production, bone health and nerve function. This mineral is found in the bones, tissues, cells, and plays a role in more than 350 biochemical reactions in the body.

In addition to the known role in the body, magnesium has been the subject of much research. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study found that taking 400 milligrams of magnesium per day beneficial for glucose tolerance for the elderly, so it is good for preventing diabetes. Another study published in the Journal of Clinical Neuroscience reported that people who suffer from recurrent migraines have low levels of intracellular magnesium. This suggests magnesium contribute in preventing migraines.

One of the reasons why magnesium is rarely reviewed is because its existence is abundant in food. Many people who already consume enough magnesium from food eaten daily. The food however is the best source of nutrients the body needs. But when you are eating too many processed foods, chances are you do not consume enough magnesium.

People with gastrointestinal disorders likely magnesium deficiency, such as consuming alcohol and the elderly. Therefore, it is important for you to know where magnesium can be obtained.

Magnesium can be found in chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants. So when you eat a lot of green foliage, chances are you consume enough magnesium. But there are also some foods rich in magnesium, among others:

- Fish halibut. Only 85 grams of cooked halibut already meet 20 percent of magnesium per day.

- Cashew nuts and almonds. Many nuts are rich in magnesium, but both nuts have the highest content of magnesium.

- Soybean. Not only rich in magnesium, soy is also rich in protein and fiber.
Kidney is not as popular as the heart or brain in various reviews of health. Kidney disease is also rarely used perenggut life in the drama series. Still many people do not care about the health of the organ which was instrumental in the body's metabolic system.

Kidney health is rarely a concern, even those who suffer from kidney disease is usually detected only when it is at an advanced stage. Medical specialist in internal medicine who studied renal Parlindungan Siregar said the symptoms of kidney disease if it is still an early stage is usually not too noticeable. That's what causes people to often only realized when it is severe.

"And if it is realized at an advanced stage of the condition that is 4 or 5, the treatment will cost very high," he said in a media gathering on Wednesday (06/03/2013) in Jakarta to mark World Kidney Day which falls on March 8 next .

Kidney health should not be underestimated, because its function is essential for health. Complications of kidney health was much impaired, ranging from cardiovascular disease, diabetes, bone up.

"Kidneys are the filters of the body, its main function is to cleanse toxins and remove waste from the blood," said a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (Faculty of medicine) is.

On the same occasion, Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Nephrology (PERNEFRI) as well as practitioners in the field of kidney health Dharmeizar said kidney disease has two types namely the type of curable and incurable type.

"Kidney disease can be cured of kidney stones for example, if the originators factor is removed it will return to normal renal function. While kidney disease can not be cured as chronic kidney disease, the kidneys are unable to function normally again," said Dharmeizar.

Although not curable but Dharmeizar said that chronic kidney disease can be slowed development process by taking a variety of medications and live a healthy lifestyle.

Lung cancer beat breast cancer as the leading cause of death from cancer in European women. Data in the UK and Poland demonstrate this.

The research team looked all cancer cases in the European Union (27 countries in 2007) and also some individual countries such as France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and the UK. In 2013, around 82 640 European women died of lung cancer, while breast cancer causes 88,886 deaths of women.

The results also showed that although more and more people affected by cancer, the longer they age, but in general the number of cancer deaths less.

Although the number of cancer deaths decreased, but increased lung cancer deaths among women in the countries of the European Union.

Deaths from pancreatic cancer in both men and women also showed no reduction in numbers. Presumably this is because therapy is an effective treatment for this cancer is still small.

"It's alarming. This is the leading cause of cancer did not show a decrease in the future, despite the fewer people who smoke," said Prof.La Vecchia, a researcher from the University of Milan, Italy.

He said the number of deaths from lung cancer in women may be a woman who began smoking in the 1960's or 1970's. In recent years the death rate would be reduced because the current number of female smokers less.

Eczema is a skin inflammatory disorder that can affect anyone, from babies to adults. With proper care, itchy skin caused by eczema can be prevented.

Eczema or contact dermatitis is a skin condition that is actually influenced by heredity. If someone in your family suffers from allergies, eczema is the first sign that may indicate your child has allergies flair.

"Many people think that eczema is caused by a germ, when in fact this is a sensitive skin conditions and allergies influenced talent," said dr.Lilik Norawati, Sp.KK, interrupted a press conference on Pearls of Cosmetic Dermatology Symposium 2013 organized by Dove Medical and Association of Physician Specialists Dermatology Indonesia in Jakarta, Thursday (21.02.13).

Symptoms of eczema in infants include dry skin, redness, itching, thickened, and scaly. Some of these symptoms can also indicate other problems such as diaper rash.

The main skin care eczema, according to Lili is avoiding originators. Some triggers to watch out for is dust mites, perspiration, dry air, until the soap detergent.

For everyday care should avoid skin care products that have fragrance.

"Use a gentle soap also contains moisturizing and specifically for sensitive skin," said dermatologist from Gatot Subroto Army Hospital in Jakarta.

Humidity is the foundation for healthy skin, especially for people with eczema. "Skin Moisturizer mandatory every day, especially after bathing. Should choose a product that has a protective fat," he said.

For the more severe the inflammation of eczema, the doctor will give you medicine combined with skin care products.
Preventing cancer is the best move because, as the phrase "prevention is better than cure"??, Preventing unnecessary damage to make a case.

Likewise for cancer, cancer prevention is much better than cure. To prevent cancer, necessary knowledge about what causes cancer so that we can avoid or ward off potential roots of cancer. Here are surefire tips to prevent cancer.