A study of 2,000 women showed that women start worrying about wrinkles, slack breasts, arms sagged, and wrinkles in the eye, when they reach the age of 30. Therefore, dermatologists recommend that women should begin to fight aging before reaching the age of 30.

"It is estimated by the age of 28, will reduce fibroblast collagen production, which affects the elasticity of the skin. Then that the condition began to decline," said Lee Garrett, beauty nurse in Harley Street clinic FreedomhealthSKIN, recently.

Garret said, every year she loses one percent of collagen. "But if you smoke, drink alcohol, or eat too much sugar, the signs of aging will appear more quickly before the age of 28," he said.

The average woman does not find their first wrinkles at the age of 29 years, and at that age they will begin to fight the signs of aging by using creams and make-up.

"Some women may always worry about their appearance, but it was amazing when we think of those who are in most excellent condition at the age of 29, have started worrying about the effects of aging on the body and face," said Andrew Groom, Buying Director at Superdrug, which carried out a study along with the new anti-aging skin care products.

"It's never too early to treat skin ... and skin care routine that starts at the age of 29, will be effective against the signs of aging," he added, as quoted by Yahoo! Lifestyle.

The study also revealed that women over the age of 29 want to look younger. More than two-thirds (67 percent) under the age of 29, using make-up to look older. While more than half (58 percent) will use the clothes that make them older than actual age.

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