Currently, many circulating fake honey. However, to understand the nature and content of honey, honey can be assessed where the "real" and "fake", as well as the quality of the honey is good or bad. Then how the characteristics of the original honey, and how to distinguish fake honey?

There are 3 kinds of honey are fairly non-genuine, namely:
1. TOTAL forgery, made by adding the volume of honey "original" with honey "false", eg mixing sugar / honey made relatively cheaper and then stirred.
2. Forgery QUALITY, usually done by changing the water content of honey that was high, then lowered by heating.
3. Forgery SURVIVE, the honey is claimed "original" when in fact 100% artificial, so it's not a nerasal honey from bees with original compositions.

In plain view is difficult to distinguish, quantitative testing is needed to ensure the authenticity of honey. Through the test quantity, honey can be estimated if the falsified or added something; honey sucrose levels rise, the enzyme levels rise / fall, ash content being up / down, electrical conductivity rises, the content of pollen in the sediments down, down mineral content, aroma and flavor changing , the content of HMF (Hydroxy metal Furfuraldehid) changes, protein levels dropped, the color bright, honey contains PbCl2, PbSO4, anions and cations.

HMF content of which is a breakdown product of glucose and fructose in honey maximum of 3 mg/100 g. Honey also has the acidity (pH) ranged from 3.4 to 4.5 are fixed, while the fake honey pH 2.4 to 3.3 or above 5. Activity of the enzyme diastase in honey quality ratio of at least 5 Potassium (K) and Sodium (Na) of about 4.0. In the fake honey ratio from 0.05 to 0.1. Honey has a characteristic optical rotate to the left can be checked with a polarimeter.

In a simple, genuine and fake honey can be distinguished by looking at the physical characteristics honey as follows:

The first way, dripping honey on a piece of paper. Fake honey will be easily absorbed by the paper because of high water content.
The second, with a shake. Honey will form a gas or vapor when shaken.
The third way, mix it with egg chicken / duck. Honey stirred together the egg will form lumps and eggs taste like it had been turned into fried.
The fourth way, poured into a container of water. Honey will immediately fall to the bottom of the container, while the fake honey tends to be spread.

It is a simple way to distinguish genuine and fake honey. And here there is additional information about the characteristics of genuine and fake honey:

Honey circulating in Indonesia are generally produced from three types of bees; apis dorsata (forest bees), apis mellifera (bee superior) and apis Cerana (local bees) in the roof of the house. In terms of quality, forest honey (organic honey) black color better than honey in cultivation.

Unfortunately, the people of Indonesia are used to consume honey cultivation bright brown. As a result, forest honey honey is considered as false. Many people are curious to distinguish honey produced by bees foraging in the wild from a fake honey (sugar syrup, for example).

Allegedly, the circulation of fake honey is very high in Indonesia. The trial is genuine or fake honey through aroma, a swarm of ants, viscosity when dropped in the dust, yet so guarantees the authenticity of a product of honey.

In the laboratory, the content of glucose in honey is rather dominant pure sucrose content more visible and prominent on the fake honey. Honey contains minerals such as sodium, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, iron, phosphorus and potassium. Vitamins in honey form of thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), ascorbic acid (C), pyridoxine (B6), niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, and vitamin K. asamfolat

Honey contains enzymes whereas fake honey. Enzymes can not man-made, and can only be made honey bees. The most important enzymes in the honey; diatase, invertase, glucose oxidase, peroxidase and lipase. Diastase is an enzyme converting complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides) so simple carbohydrates (mono-saccharides). Invertase is an enzyme breaker molecule of glucose and sucrose so fluktosa. Oxidase assume the role as a helper enzyme glucose oxidase so acidic peroxide. The enzyme peroxidase oxidation process of metabolism. All substances useful to the body's metabolic processes.

While the fake honey contains a mixture of glucose with sugar, fruit, flavor and dyes are very harmful to human health. The characteristics of honey should be colorful, jet black (derived from acacia flowers), reddish black, bright yellow, yellowish or whitish yellow (bee farming). When you get the color and consistency of honey with equal need to watch out because the original honey color is never the same.

The aroma can also be used as a medium to determine the original or fake a honey products. Honey had the aroma and distinctive smell like honey from flowers rambutan, longan or kapok. This is different from the fake honey scented at all.

Other testing, if the honey is poured over the plate by two Senduk then doused in water and shake it to the right to the left will form a honeycomb. If not spread even mixed with water, then categorized fake honey.

Consumers are also advised to try for themselves by making the body as a natural laboratory. How, fasting for 10 hours and then check the blood sugar. Tell A drink 2-3 tablespoons of honey. After 2 hours, check your blood sugar. Tell B if the honey is pure and natural, with a difference between B minor.

Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) who experienced eating honey can feel pure honey and honey false. If after drinking the honey, so fresh and powerful body back (not the same as people with diabetes who had just drank sweet tea), it marks a new drink honey pure and natural. In the diabetic patient's body, honey converted into energy (without the help of insulin).

Unfortunately, today many fake honey until the honey-like ways can only be a consideration only. The tips is to buy honey in place already trusted. When forced to buy elsewhere, compare whether the price is not too much different from the kind of honey from other brands. If the price is very cheap, biased so honey is honey made.

Usefulness of honey has been proven to be good for the treatment, increase body strength and is used for beauty.

Original Honey Benefits in Blood

Blood clot and restore blood jetting correct.
Clean the lining of blood and blood to be clean.
Offset the fat content and make active heart.
Numb-numb pain and lessen high blood pressure.

Original Honey Benefits adds body strength

Quick restore, refresh and add zing body weight.
Maintain and enhance the body's resistance to disease.
Strengthening the heart
Adding strength to have sex is because honey contains boron minerals.

Original Honey as a Treatment Efficacy

Diabetic wounds will quickly heal with honey smeared
Drink 2 teaspoons of honey before bed will menghingakan insomnia disease
Drinking a rich honey propolis help cure cancer.
Original Honey has the ability to overcome the usual Lur Kidney disease. Etc.

Original Honey Benefits for Beauty.

Honey good to maintain softness and suppleness of skin.
Honey good to rejuvenate and brighten skin.
Use 1 teaspoon of honey for hair cream bath will make the hair fresh and shiny.
Honey is also proven to keep the body young.
Many students also complain to the sag value, it is not independent of the hard to find a good way to learn and efficient. Habits we learn will have a major impact on the success or failure of the outcome pembelajaran.Ada mediocre but successful in academic achievement, there was a vigorous and regular learning seriously. However, the first very rare, it is precisely the latter study habits effective. Here are 10 tips and tricks as a study guide in order to achieve effective performance.

1. Do not be forced to learn in one activity

For the residents learning istiqomah (routine) study, he akana spend time every day albeit briefly to repeat lessons, exercise or just read the subject matter of the lesson. This habit is very good, if done every day. It is better than learning one session before the exam, or semester. as the saying goes: "Little by little, long into the hills."

2. We want to learn to have a plan

The intention is to have a study plan schedules learning outside of school. Make a study schedule daily, weekly, hour after hour. Then try with the firm, and keep it all the schedules that you created. For those residents who do not study regularly, usually not as good as having a plan and a routine study.

3. Stay on a custom study plan

Having a study schedule that was nice, the most important of it is meneptai learning activities according to the time schedule set by the routine and habitual. For example, every night at 8:00 p.m. to 21:00 hrs. Well, if this routine, you will be more focused and enjoy the learning process as a part of your body clock as well eat and worship. The impact of all, psychologically be more calm, fresh and confident, and more productive.

4. Having a goal in each learning activity

Khsusu goal in each study session was meant to be as willing to learn are ready to resolve any problems, or want to understand something that is sought. Well, then, you try to set learning goals that you do it every day in particular on issues that have been prepared. It will help once the overall cap on the lessons taught in school.

5. Nay, put off learning

Most students (residents learn) nobody likes and dislikes in the subject. In effect, if you do not like the lessons learned will be easily put off, and prefer other activities.

Well, residents learned that successful, usually never put off learning session even though busy. If you do delay, then the problem will be stacked and is the cause of failure in learning. So, do not ever put off learning!

6. FIRST's most difficult lessons

Due to the difficult lesson takes concentration, effort and mental student, then heed and make a major concern. Well, if you start with a hard-hard, believe it or not, it will take you a student increases and so will be very effective for the survival of your learning.

7. Always repeat the notes before starting work on the task

Make sure you repeat or read first record held prior tasks. Therefore, make good notes during the lesson in class. As this will help to complete the work or tasks to be completed. So make sure you know exactly how it's main task correctly.

8. Do not let any distraction during learning

Things will calm it is necessary to find. Therefore, look for a safe place to learn of the disorder. Because, when you're distracted, then this will interfere with concentration and learning is really disturbing beljar you.

9. Follow effective group learning

Believe it or not, the study group effectively will bring many benefits. Like getting the help of friends, complete tasks quickly, accurately grasp the concept and be able to share knowledge with other friends. Remember the adage, "Two heads are better than one head? '. So, use this adage to learn. Then where the learning is not effective? those who lack of preparation and learning strategies.

10. Note the repeated each task, and any material last week

There is a good habit that successful students every weekend they are always repeating notes. Why is that? Because of the repeated notes every weekend, so one side of him more control of the lesson during the week, and will prepare any material that has not been mastered in the next week so you'll be more ready to accept new concepts in the lesson the following week.
Tips and How to Naturally Prevent Breast Cancer - Breast cancer is one of the diseases most feared by women, how does this disease mostly experienced by women and usually in women aged 20 years and above. For that in this article I will share information about how to recognize early symptoms of breast cancer and how to prevent breast cancer naturally and as early as possible.

Before companions know how to prevent breast cancer, should friends can try to use the way Sarari Breast Self-examination, with the help of your fingers are done standing or you can also check your breasts companions while bathing with soap. This is done to see if there is a lump in the breast friend. For more details sahabai can see directly in the image below:

Well after Fabeluna companions tried the above, now I akanmemberikan ways to prevent breast cancer naturally without any side effects. To shorten the time let's take a look at ways and tips to prevent breast cancer following:

- Green Tea
The easiest way is to drink green tea, but friends also need to pay attention to the sugar content, do not overdo the use of sugar in green tea According to Dr. Gail Sonenshein green tea is not thinking about the negative effects that can harm one's body, and its own green tea contains polyphenols that can be high antioxidants to prevent breast cancer. If friends do not want to get breast cancer easiest way is often to drink green tea to prevent breast cancer.

- Fruits and Vegetables
Expand the consumption of fruits and vegetables because fruits and vegetables contain anti-oxidants and high DAPT prevents cell damage that can lead to cancer, you should consume fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin A, C, E and the mineral Selenium.

- Nuts
In addition to eating fruits and vegetables companions can also consume legumes such as soybeans.

- Cooking Meat Too Ripe
Preferably in cooking meat well cooked or baked goods should not be too long or too mature, as if cooked too long will produce carcinogenic compounds (heterocyclic interest), so the longer the meat cooks more also compounds in meat that will be formed.

- Avoid Alcohol
Should avoid or do not consume alcohol, because if we often consume alcohol, the risk for breast cancer increases.

- Do not Smoke
In a pack of cigarettes is often written Avoid smoking because it can cause cancer. SO should avoid roko as early as possible to reduce the cancer patients in Indonesia.

- Provide regular milk
Provide regular milk for pregnant and breastfeeding can reduce the risk of breast cancer before menopause stepping.

- Regularly Sports
Sports are not only able to reduce levels of estrogen produced by the body to reduce the risk of breast cancer but also very good for the health of our bodies.

What about friends?? Not already know how to prevent breast cancer, you should follow the above ways so that we can get away from the name of breast cancer. Aminn .. and many-many foods that contain antioxidants and multiply sports. Insha allah we will be spared from many cancers are caused by lifestyle and diet. In addition to the above article if friends want to know how to deal with dry skin can mnegunjungi my article the other. Fixed and spirit and I shall see you
How to remove acne scars and black spots naturally and traditional. Acne is always to make dizzy. Once you get rid of acne bersusahpaya further, you will still be confused with acne scars that are sometimes hard to break sometimes. Acne scars can indeed reduce one's confidence. Before going to discuss tips to remove acne, it's good to know that acne does not leave marks, as quoted from page Boldsky follows.

In order for Acne no trace

Do not Solve Acne

The way is not recommended for acne scars is to not solve the acne. If solved then the acne will leave scars on the skin, this is because the layer of damaged skin when acne solved. Not only that, the sap of the fractions containing the bacteria cause acne are generally affected other parts acne gum make another appears.

Avoid direct sunlight a day

When your acne is best to avoid direct sun rays. Ultraviolet excess will have a direct impact on the newly healed skin from acne. This is because the skin tissue that forms is still flimsy and prone to ultraviolet.

Diligent cleaning your face with clean water

Water is very trustworthy help skin retain moisture for the regeneration process. To prevent acne scars arise, it's good to wash your face at least twice a day. But do not wash your face when you've finished traveling, because when the skin is still in hot conditions after being exposed to the weather during the day and then immediately washed with water it will be bad, like a cup of hot water and then exposed to water given dingain. Let stand for a moment to adjust the condition of facial skin, then wash face with clean water and cool.

Eliminate Former Acne

1. Using Tomatoes

Commonly known as a kitchen tomatoes, but make no mistake, the tomatoes can also help remove acne scars. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A vitamin that is very useful to stimulate collagen. Collagen is the substance of the body itself plays an important role in the formation of the skin. Thinly sliced ​​tomatoes and paste on your face for 10-15 minutes.

2. Using Papaya

How to remove acne scars this one is pretty easy to do, which is to harness papaya fruit. Papaya is widely used as a cosmetic. Papaya contains papain, an enzyme that can reduce inflammation. Its use can be directly consumed or used as a mask. The use of papaya to get rid of acne scars is used as a mask. Papaya mask can open clogged pores, removes oil and skin cells that have died. easy way, apply mashed papaya had to face up to dry, let selama15-20 minutes, then rinse with water until clean.

3. Egg White and Honey

White eggs are good for muscle growth, but egg whites can also remove acne scars. So it is with honey, this miraculous always used for various treatments. In order to get the maximum results then combine the two materials. The trick, mix the egg white with honey tersebt, then dab on acne scars routinely and regularly.

The key to success in removing acne scars lies in each individual. By doing the above methods are routinely and regularly then the results are satisfactory. But if done half-heartedly, the outcome was less than satisfactory, even invisible perubahanya.

Insomnia is a sleep difficulty or trouble sleeping on a regular basis waktunya.Ini common among us who often slept late malam.Jam normal sleep time is usually 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. at the time setempat.Biasanya insomnia disease we are only able to sleep about 12:00 to 02:00 hours . Why does this happen? it happened because of the activity or the work we do is usually good disiang and night hari.Tentunya imsonia sleeplessness is a symptom that is very detrimental to our own health, of course.

Water Has Soul

In the book The True Power of Water, Masaru Kinomoto the authors conducted research with the same water pour into 2 glasses. The first glass labeled "Thank You" (written with positive words) and a second glass labeled "You Fool" (written with a negative word). The result shown is water in containers labeled with positive words gives a crystalline form is more beautiful than the water in a container labeled with negative words. Just like humans, water also has a soul. When you think positive, life will be more beautiful and calm, compared to always think negatively, which would make life uneasy.

Banyak hal yang tanpa kita sadari memungkinkan kita terserang flu.

1. Terlalu Cemas
Kekhawatiran kita akan datangnya penyakit justru hanya akan membuat kita sakit. Misalnya kekhawatiran akan virus flu babi. Virus H1N1 belum terbukti lebih mengancam daripada flu musiman biasa. Kebanyakan orang yang pernah terserang flu babi, jika sembuh akan sepenuhnya pulih. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kecemasan dapat saja mewujudkan apa yang kita cemaskan itu sendiri. Jadi, tak perlu cemas karena kecemasan hanya akan melemahkan sistem kekebalan tubuh kita.

Sakit mata yang menyerang anak, memang idealnya harus segera diobati, namun jangan asal memilih obat anak sakit mata, karena terdapat komposisi kimia tertentu dalam obat mata. Komposisi kimia tiap obat mata akan berbeda antara satu dengan yang lainnya, sesuai dengan tujuan penggunaan obat mata, apakah sebagai obat iritasi ringan, antiinfeksi, atau sebagai obat antiinflamasi.

Stres - kita semua merasa pada satu waktu atau yang lain. Tapi ada banyak orang yang merasa stres sering. Beberapa bahkan merasa stres sebagai bagian dari kehidupan sehari-hari mereka. Stres dapat berkontribusi terhadap berbagai kondisi seperti penyakit jantung, stroke, gangguan kekebalan tubuh, masalah pencernaan, masalah makan, gangguan tidur dan masalah seksual. Belajar untuk mengurangi stres Anda dapat membantu Anda hidup lebih bahagia, sehat dan mungkin lebih lama lagi. Berikut adalah beberapa tips bermanfaat untuk mengurangi stres dalam kehidupan sehari-hari Anda.

1. Dose
There is not yet a definite size for the dose of coffee may be consumed. However, most studies reveal that drinking 300 mg of caffeine (about 1 to 3 cups of coffee a day) no negative effects on most healthy people.

2. Danger Signals
While sipping coffee is tasted fine, but often followed by guilt million. Know the danger signals of coffee so that we know when to stop drinking coffee. Danger signals include: restlessness, palpitations, sleep disorders and mood disorders (eg, irritability). A coffee drinkers who stop drinking coffee may experience "caffeine withdrawal" which is characterized by throbbing head pain, but the symptoms will disappear after 24-48 hours or get a new dose of caffeine.

3. Listen Body Response
Everyone has their own limits on the consumption of caffeine. Most people can consume 2 cups of coffee a day with no problems. But some are having bad effects with the same amount of coffee consumption. Someone told me after drinking a cup of coffee could not sleep all night, instead there were fast asleep after drinking coffee. So, the best way is to listen to the body's own response!

4. Recognize Caffeine Content
After knowing the dose and the response of the body, it helps us to know the content of caffeine in products that often we consume. In order not to copy the recommended dose has been reached, but we still consume other products that contain caffeine so feel the bad effects of coffee. Some other products that need to be considered caffeine content such as: soft drinks, candy coffee, tea, chocolate, headache medicine.

Method of processing (roasting and brewing) also affects the content of caffeine in coffee. For example, one study showed that a cup of coffee at Starbucks contains an average of 259 mg of caffeine compared to coffee with the type and size of the same cup at Dunkin Donuts which only contains 149 mg of caffeine.

From other research, decaf coffee (coffee without caffeine) for those who are obese because it can raise HDL ("good" cholesterol) of approximately 50%. While those who are not obese can actually lower HDL cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease.

5. Coffee Mix
Five milligrams of calcium is lost for every 6 ounces of coffee consumed. But the loss of calcium can be overcome by adding 2 tablespoons of milk or make espresso latte. Meanwhile, mix the coffee with alcohol less well, especially in people with liver disorders and coffee with cream mixture should also be avoided to reduce the excess calories. Caffeine also interacts with some drugs. For those who are taking medication, you should consult your doctor.

Many thought the coffee was the best friend cigarettes. Eits, make no mistake. A true coffee drinkers do not smoke! Smoking may reduce the pleasure of coffee you know ...

6. Anti-Coffee Group
The following groups are advised to avoid coffee: pregnant women, children, the elderly, people with heart and blood vessel disease (eg, hypertension). Well, if you've included in this group, forget the coffee!

7. Check Up
Make periodic checks on health, in this case is a measure of blood pressure. The earlier hypertension is known, the better for subsequent management.