Para peneliti Australia telah berhasil mengembangkan vaksin yang bisa memerangi semua jenis malaria. Menurut laporan ABC hari Selasa (30/4/2013), para ilmuwan di Institut Walter and Eliza Hall di Melbourne dan Institut Penelitian Medis Queensland berhasil memodifikasi satu jenis strain dari parasit malaria guna mengembangkan vaksin tersebut.Uji klinis akan dilakukan di Australia menjelang akhir tahun 2013. Peneliti utama proyek ini, Prof Louis Schofield, mengatakan, vaksin malaria sebelumnya dikembangkan dengan mengambil protein atau DNA dari parasit malaria, sehingga hanya efektif untuk mencegah malaria jenis itu saja.

"Bila kita menggunakan seluruh organisme, maka besar kemungkinan semua protein akan berada di sana, sehingga kita bisa menciptakan kekebalan yang bisa menyerang semua sasaran, dan akan lebih efektif melawan berulangnya infeksi," kata Prof Schofield.

Namun, Prof Schofield mengatakan, suatu saat nanti, malaria akan bisa diberantas habis.

"Saya kira kita memang memerlukan alat baru, dan saya kira ada kesepakatan bahwa vaksin adalah alat yang diperlukan bila kita hendak memberantas malaria," kata Prof Schofield.

"Namun, waktunya akan tiba. Masalahnya tinggal berapa lama lagi. Saya menduga masih perlu waktu beberapa dekade," demikian kata Prof Schofield.

Genetic engineering is a way of manipulating the genes to produce new creatures with the desired properties. Genetic engineering is also called transplants or gene recombination DNA. DNA used in genetic engineering to combine the properties of living beings. That's because the DNA of every living being has the same structure, so it can be recommended. Further DNA will govern the properties of living beings for generations.

Kingdom is one of the forms of government in ancient highly successful prior to the reign of democracy, liberal and other government systems. Kingdoms ruled the region, set the whole life of the people from the economic, cultural, social, political and religious. Here is a list of the greatest empire in the world that debuted in his time:

Condoms are used 750 million people around the world to reduce the number of pregnancies and the spread of venereal disease. However, condoms have stagnated in terms of technology development, product condoms no significant progress in the last half century.

To overcome stagnation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is seeking new technologies to condoms, but they did not mention in detail what kind of technology is sought. The Foundation was willing to give an initial investment of 100,000 U.S. dollars, up to 1 million dollars for continued investment.

Foundations founder of Microsoft, said the project is purely for world health. Condoms are the next generation that sought by the foundation, is the condom still help reduce the number of pregnancies, and avert the spread of diseases, including HIV / AIDS.

On the other hand, condoms should also be designed to provide sexual pleasure for men or women who wear them, and can reduce the cost of production.

For those of you who have an idea about the new technology in the condom, it could send a proposal to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. "This hypothesis can be tested, including a plan for how the idea will be tested or validated to produce data that can be interpreted and unambiguous," said one of the requirements that apply, as quoted by Mashable, Monday (03/25/2013).

Samsung officially introduced a new flagship Android smartphone, the Galaxy S4, in New York, U.S., on Thursday (03/14/2013).

Various reactions were emerging, after the realization of new products on display. One of them came from rival Samsung, HTC.

In an interview with Business Insider, the leader of HTC for North America Mike Woodward quipped that Samsung's decision not to present a new design on the product Galaxy S4.

"Design (Galaxy S4) was very repetitive. Products are very similar to the Galaxy S III. We are happy to see the lack of innovation in terms of design," said Woodland.

Samsung Woodwand also criticized the decision to bring a wealth of new features on the Galaxy S4. According to these features just a mere gimmick and users may not be interested in this new service.

In the interview, conceded defeat Woodwand HTC from Samsung. However, this defeat did not come from the innovation in products, but in terms of budget for marketing activities. With a large budget, it is believed that Samsung can make good hype for the Galaxy S4

"I think, Samsung tried to overwhelm us with the money and marketing, and will encourage a variety of features," said Woodward.

However, Woodward still optimistic, HTC can be more aggressive in terms of marketing in the future, provided that HTC sold more.

More than 100 million years ago, birds that live in China had wings on their feet. The researchers found evidence of great legs on 11 specimens of fossil birds from China's Shandong Tianyu Museum of Nature.

Activist group of hackers (hackers) Anonymous plans to launch an organized attack named # OpIsrael. This is the cyber attacks on Israel that began on 7 April 2013.

Anonymous asks hackers around the world to join in this movement. They had a mission "wipe Israel off the internet."

"Tim hacker decided to unite against Israel as a whole, and Israel must be prepared to be a party that is" deleted "on the Internet.'s Not a hacker, not a team of hackers, but this is a collection of hackers," wrote the group Anonymous.

They say this will be the largest ever cyber attack aimed at a country. Judging from the list of hackers who are willing to join, many from the Middle East region.

Haaretz the Israeli news media reported that the government respond to this threat seriously and prepare the nation cyber defense. Group Director of Online Government recognizes Israel Ofir Ben Avi, # OpIsrael were organized in the last few days.

"What distinguishes this movement with the previous attack, this is actually done by the Anonymous-affiliated group from all over the world are joining forces together," said Ben Avi.

Google announced that Andy Rubin resigned as head of the Android operating system. He was replaced by Sundar Pichai who previously served as senior vice president for Chrome and applications.

In an announcement on the company's official blog, Google CEO Larry Page praised Rubin for this and asked him to continue working. Rubin resigned on personal whim and keep working at Google in a position that has not been determined.

Rubin is co-founder of Android. Together Rich Miner, Nick Sears, and Chris White, Rubin built the company Android Inc. in October 2003, which focused on the development of an open mobile operating system (open source). Google acquired Android then worth 50 million U.S. dollars in August 2005.

Rubin has four patents for his inventions, and is believed to have a net worth of 100 million U.S. dollars. He is often called the "Father of Android".

Since dinahkodai Google, Android is growing rapidly and a mobile operating system most widely used in the world. Every day, there are 750 million Android devices activated.

Now, the Android project is under the control of Sundar Pichai, who is also responsible for the Chrome operating system project. Most likely, Pichai will make Android and Chrome are connected
Artist Justin Bieber blame the media who proclaim him in rehab. He was also named in a statement that Lindsay Lohan.

Bieber load through an account statement Instagramnya, Thursday, March 14, 2013. However, Bieber finally delete comments that carries the name Lohan in her account it.

Bieber first post that he remove posts that blame the media is to compare it with LiLo. "For those who are comparing me with Lindsay Lohan. See his 2012 tax return (Lohan)," wrote Bieber. Lindsay Lohan is known to have a high enough tax arrears to the extent that actor Charlie Sheen helps the problem.

In addition, other comments that Bieber is clear, "I grew up every day to be me, while others only see and criticize each day. I think I did the right thing."

Furthermore, after removing all the comments, Bieber and wrote a sweet message to read. "All this is not easy. I get angry sometimes. I'm human. I will make mistakes. I grow and be better than them. But all the love from you guys fight all the negative things," he wrote.

Initial chirp Bieber after he blamed the media is having a tough time after the birthday party-19. At that time she partied in London, and then collapsed on stage during a concert, and he attacked the paparazzi. Of course all this becomes food media directly proclaim Bieber's bizarre behavior.

Bieber admitted tired of all the lies that made the media today. "Saying that I will undergo rehab and how disappointed my family with me. My family is very proud of," he wrote.

He added that if people believe that rehab issues, so they included a fool. According to Bieber, at the age of 19 years, it includes success with 5 albums to be number one and has been around the world. "I get more than I dreamed. I'm 19 years old and it will definitely be scary for some people who think that this is just a start. Batasanku and I know my abilities. I know who I am," he wrote.

However, Bieber said he did not care if people do not believe him. According to Bieber, he wrote it all with a smile on his face and love in her heart. He even mentions that he needs to rehab, then they will know the first time. "I'm a good person with a big heart. And do not think that I deserve all this negative news. I worked hard to get here and it's not going to stop," he wrote again.