BRUSSELS, - Stone space found in Antarctica. Size is sufficiently large meteorite. Weighing up to 18 kg.

The team of scientists from Belgium and Japan found a meteorite while exploring the highland areas in eastern Antarctica. Initial identification shows that it is kind of chondrite meteorites, the most common type of meteorite found.

"This is the largest meteorite found in Antarctica east in 25 years," said Vinciane Debaille, a geologist from the University of Brussels.

"It's something very special. When you find a meteorite on Earth, is actually much larger sizes while still in space," he added, as quoted by LiveScience, Thursday (28/02/2013).

Every year, many scientists find meteorites in Antarctica. Environmental snowy, cold, and dry ikllim help preserve the space rock.

Debaille own expedition managed to find a meteorite 425 in 40 days. Total weight of meteorites collected up to 75 kg. According Debaille, the team may find Martian meteorites and meteorite fragments asteroid Vesta.

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