Bacteria is an organism whose numbers most numerous and widespread compared to other organisms on Earth. Bacteria are generally unicellular organisms (single-celled), prokaryotes / prokaryotes, do not contain chlorophyll, as well as microscopic (very small).

Bacteria derived from the Latin word that bacterium. Bacteria have a number of species in the hundreds of thousands or even more. They exist everywhere from on the ground, in water, in other organisms, and others are also environmentally friendly as well as the extreme.

In the growth of good bacteria by increasing the number and increasing the number of cells is influenced by several factors, such as the pH, the temperature of temperature, salt content, source of nutrients, chemicals and metabolic waste substances.

Characteristics of Bacteria:
- Generally lacking chlorophyll
- Her life as a free or parasite / pathogen
- Variegated form
- It has a small size on average 1 s / d 5 microns
- Do not have a cell nucleus membrane / prokaryotes
- Most unicellular (having a single cell)
- Bacteria in the extreme environment of the cell walls do not contain peptidoglycan, while the cosmopolitan containing              peptidoglycan

Benefits / Uses Bacteria Profitable For Life:
1. Help enrich the soil by producing nitric
2. Decomposers rest of living things to decay
3. Fermentation in the manufacture of food and beverages
4. Producing drugs such as antibiotics
5. Unravel waste to produce energy
6. Assist in the manufacture of chemicals, etc.

Bacterial Harm Harming For Human Life:
1. Cause disease in living creatures, including humans (bacterial parasites / pathogens)
2. Rotting food that we had
3. Damage crops with harmful disease (bacterial parasites / pathogens)
4. Cause the unpleasant smell of decay activity Hasik
5. Making gross human body filled with the bacteria that cause body odor

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