Benefits of Green Beans - All kinds of nuts are a source of natural protein is very good for our bodies. In addition, nuts - nuts is one type of food that is rich in natural fiber which helps aid digestion and low in fat. Green beans have a very low calorie content, namely (31kkal/100mg) and contain no saturated fats are not good for our health. Green beans are also rich in vitamins, natural minerals and nutrients that are good for our bodies.

Green Beans Benefits For The Body
Here are some benefits of greem bay very good for our health:

     Rich in phosphorus which is good for bone growth.
     Can improve the intelligence of a baby.
     Preventing deadly diseases such as breast cancer.
     Treating diseases excess blood sugar (diabetes).
     Rich in natural protein is good for health.
     Being able to guard the health of the heart.
     Increasing appetite.
     Maximizing the nerve.
     As a source of energy for our bodies.
     Helps to slow down premature aging.
     Preventing disease berries - blackberries.

Those are some of the benefits of consuming green beans million every day on a regular basis. For that reason, it is advisable for those who are having health problems as above to consume these green beans.
Benefits of Green Peas Porridge
There are so many ways to get the benefits of green beans, and one which very often is consumed in the form of slurry is commonly called green bean porridge. Mostly of people make this green bean porridge, since it is easier and very enjoyable at all if consumed and served in a bowl and add ice. Very suitable and fresh as the food that has a very high value and benefits if consumed every day on a regular basis greatly assist the process of healing your illness and your health.

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