Most of us would never eat a pear. However, only a few of us who know the pear as a fruit that has a high nutritional value. Pears are included in the genus Pyrus and the family Rosaceae. As well as apples, pears including juicy fruit, because it contains a very high water. The characters that bring the freshness, making pear is a favorite of consumers.
The benefits of eating pears:

>-> Take control of blood pressure

Pears are classified as a plant that has a pretty good nutritional value, such as potassium, dietary fiber (dietary fiber), vitamin C, vitamin K and copper. According to The George Mateljan Foundation (2006), the content of dietary fiber in pears included in either category. Eating a pear meets 19.8 percent body needs dietary fiber each day.

in addition to lowering cholesterol, fiber content of its food is very useful for digestive system. Consumption of adequate amounts of fiber is very good for treating constipation and is safe for sensitive stomach or intestinal inflammation. fiber and copper pears can also prevent colon cancer. High fiber content makes the pear is good for diabetics.

Vitamin C dan K">-> Vitamin C and K

Pears are a good source of vitamin C. Consumption stu pear every day to meet 17 percent of the body's vitamin C every day. Vitamin C is known as the body's main compound is needed in many important processes, ranging from the manufacture of collagen, fat transport, electron transport from enzemik reactions, hyper healthy gums, regulating cholesterol levels, as well as immunity boosters. In addition, vitamin C is necessary for wound healing tubh and improve brain function in order to work optimally.

The content of vitamin C in pears is also quite good. Consumption of the pear to meet 15 percent of the body's vitamin C every day. Vitamin K is very useful to help the process of blood clotting. Vitamin K has potential in preventing serious diseases, such as heart disease and stroke, because the effect is to reduce hardening of the arteries by a factor of calcium plaque deposits.

Anti Kanker">-> Anti-Cancer

Pears have a number of useful benefits to maintain health. in addition to its high nutritional content, pears also contain compounds that are essential for the body. Pear contains chlorogenic acid (chlorogenic acid), which is one part of hydroxy cinnamic acid (hydroxy cinnamic acid). hydroxy cinnamic acid is acting as an antioxidant to block the formation of cancer cells. The results also showed that the acid is also able to prevent the growth of bacteria Shigella sonnei, which cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Hydroxy cinnamic acid may also prevent colon cancer. These capabilities have because it can bind to nitric acid in the stomach, thus inhibiting the formation of nitrosamines. Nitrosamines are carcinogens (cancer-causing) a potential in the body.

Cantaloupe fruits rich in vitamins and minerals your body needs for the people who run fast. Fructose and glucose are contained in a cantaloupe is a simple sugar. Cantaloupe is also good to expel uric acid, maintain a healthy heart, lungs, blood vessels, and patients with diabetes and obesity. Cantaloupe is a good source of vitamin A and beta-carotene are very good. The content of beta-carotene is an antioxidant that may play an important role in reducing the concentration of peroxyl radicals. While the high vitamin A content of the fruit is good to make both active and passive smokers.

In addition to vitamins, cantaloupe fruit is also rich in vitamin C and vitamin B6. In addition, the natural sugars and enzymes contained in it has the function of absorption or absorption in the gut after eating in a hurry. Meanwhile, the content potassiumnya can lower blood pressure, reduce the formation of plaque in the arteries, as well as a natural laxative.

Vegetables that one is easy to find in traditional markets. Utilization of vegetable elliptic can be combined in a variety of cuisines. Ranging from pan-fried, deep fried chili wear, digulai, disayur nodes, for gado-gado, or pecel. It feels good and another great, had a lot of health benefits for our bodies. That beans.

Chickpea plants easily found in fields, gardens, yards, houses, fields, or as a distraction other crops. Treatment plant that's easy to make this one easy to plant and eventually became widely known throughout Indonesian society. He can grow well in loose soil and containing humus, can hold water. Plants from Africa grew at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level (masl).

Chickpea flower stalks are on the end of a long, white, yellow, or blue, and bloom in the morning. The fruit-shaped pods and can reach 75 cm in length. Seeds elliptic curve in the middle, dark red, white, black, and mottled.

Bean contains beta-carotene, chlorophyll, vitamins B1 and B2, protein, thiamine, riboflavin, phosphorus, iron, fiber, and pectin. These vegetables are useful for controlling blood sugar levels, treat hypertension, reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack, overcoming constipation, and improve the function of digestive organs. In addition, he also possess diuretic (urine laxative) moderate. By taking it regularly can help smooth diyakinin urination.

In some countries, beans are used to treat rheumatism, arthritis, and urinary tract disorders. Also, to keep the skin from acne disorder, Lukar help fuel the recovery, tackle diarrhea, eczema, kidney disorders, and itching. For those at risk of breast cancer and leukemia can utilize this vegetable because it contains anticancer substances. There are also substances antioxidant, antiviral, and antibacterial. It can also enhance the function of red blood cells, curing beriberi, overcome pain and less blood.

Well, then how to use these vegetables?

To shed urine, take 50 grams of leaves of fresh green beans. Rinse and then boiled in two cups of water about 30 minutes. Once cool, strain the water and drink twice daily in the morning and afternoon.

For patients with back pain, prepare 200 grams of bean seeds, 200 grams of ginger, and 25 grams kencur. All material is then boiled with 500 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc. After that, strain the water and then drink.

To increase stamina and overcome fatigue, take 100 grams of beans, plus five angco (remove seeds) and 25 grams kencur. Boil all ingredients with 600 water until the remaining 200 grams. Strain the water, add honey to taste, then drink.

For people with anemia or lack of blood, take 200 grams of green beans, 100 grams of grapes, and chicken liver taste. Cook all ingredients according to taste and eat regularly.

Finally, to obtain the breast skin smooth and tight, take long beans, mashed smooth and take the juice. Then apply on the breast for two times a week on a regular basis.

Cabbage is a vegetable commonly taken leaves to be eaten as vegetables. This plant comes from southern Europe and western Europe, where the cabbage is derived from French "Cabus chou" which means cabbage head. While the term "cabbage" is derived from the Dutch "kool". Vegetables are named latin Brassica oleracea L. This includes plants Capitata. The leaves are arranged very tightly and form a flat circle or sphere is called the crop / head / head.

Cabbage contain lots of vitamin A, B, C, and E. The content of vitamin C was high enough to prevent acute ulcers (scurvy). The minerals contained in it are potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and iron. In addition, fresh cabbage also contains a number of compounds that stimulate the formation of glutathione, a substance required to deactivate the toxic substances in the human body.

Some of the health benefits of cabbage leaves for them:

1. Treating venereal disease. Way, take a few pieces of old cabbage leaves, and garlic and onion to taste. Finely sliced ​​all the ingredients, put them in a saucepan, then embunkan for 1 night. Knead, add a little lemon water, then strain the water. Drink every morning one time to heal.
2. Treating hyperaciditas. Way, take 1/4 kg cabbage and a carrot size. Finely minced, add 2 cups of water, then strain. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar and store in the refrigerator to cool. Drink for a day, 30 minutes before meals or as a pain in the stomach.